Divine Associates Ltd.

The A to Z of IELTS: B is for ‘blue’ and ‘black’ idioms

Having a diverse vocabulary to express your ideas in different ways is essential for achieving a high IELTS score. Brighten up your language by adding colorful expressions to your vocabulary. In this article, we look at some “black” and “blue” idioms. Using adjectives, especially colors, to describe things is a quick and easy way to […]

The A to Z of IELTS: B is for ‘blue’ and ‘black’ idioms Read More »

The difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an English test designed to help you work, study or migrate to a country where English is the first language. IELTS is the only English proficiency test that allows candidates to choose between an academic test and a general test. More than 11,500 employers, universities, schools and

The difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Read More »

Canadian Colleges and Universities that accept an IELTS Academic band score 6 or lower

As of August 10, 2023, an overall IELTS Academic score of 6.0 is your ticket to study in Canada, especially if you are from an SDS country. Find out which colleges and universities you can apply to with this score. Are you considering taking an English test to study in Canada? From 10 August 2023,

Canadian Colleges and Universities that accept an IELTS Academic band score 6 or lower Read More »

IELTS or PTE: Which test is best for migration?

Both IELTS and PTE are English proficiency tests, but IELTS is more widely recognized and accepted in more countries, making it the obvious choice for candidates worldwide. IELTS over PTE for migration: Understand the difference Canada does not recognize PTE-A for migration PTE Academic is currently not accepted by Canada for immigration. Compare this with

IELTS or PTE: Which test is best for migration? Read More »

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