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Prepare with DAT practice tests and updated biology test specifications

The DAT program offers practice tests with questions written by actual DAT test constructors.

These practice tests feature the types of questions and question formats used in the actual test and will mirror the actual test specifications, although some modules/sections have fewer items than the actual test. The practice items are intended for the use of educators and students within the educational environment or for individual study and may not be reproduced in any format, whether paper or electronic, without expressed written permission of the ADA. This practice test should only be used as a personal resource when studying and preparing for an admissions examination. The number of correct answers will be reported upon completion of each module. Scores will not be provided. Applicants may choose between the following testing options:

  • Individual modules.
  • A full practice test.

Download the 2022 DAT Guide

Find information on scoring, fees and official requirements for taking the test in 2022.


Individual Modules

Biology 101 (40 items) Organic Chemistry 101 (30 items) General Chemistry 101 (30 items) Reading Comprehension 101 (25 items) Perceptual Ability 101 (30 items) Perceptual Ability 102 (30 items) Perceptual Ability 103 (30 items) Quantitative Reasoning 101 (40 items) Once purchased, candidates will have 24 hours to access and complete the testing module. When the time expires, the test will end even if you are taking the test at that time. The individual modules for DAT are identical to the modules included in the Full Practice Test, except that there are two additional modules provided for the Perceptual Ability Test that are not in the Full Practice Test.

DAT Full Practice Test

The DAT Full practice test includes six modules: Biology 101 Organic Chemistry 101 General Chemistry 101 Reading Comprehension 101 Perceptual Ability 101 Quantitative Reasoning 101 This test has an allotted time of 3 hours and 5 minutes, divided into timed sections to simulate the time constraints of the actual test. The practice tests do not include a break. Once you click “Begin Test” you must take the test in the allotted time.

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