Divine Associates Ltd.



Language level B1

You can reach the B1 level by attending our B1.1 and B1.2 courses and then taking the relevant exam.

You can either book these courses individually (duration per course: one month) or register for the complete package (in two consecutive months). 


B1 - Independent language use

I visit the B1. Then what can I do?

I can already understand a lot and talk about work, school and leisure time. I can also talk about my wishes and hopes and about my plans and goals. I speak pretty fast now and don’t take many breaks because I’ve already learned a lot of words. I now also use the words “because” and “that”!



German course B1.1

In the German course B1.1  you will learn how to use the German language independently. In order to attain language level B1 , you must take courses B1.1  and B1.2  and be able to successfully complete the associated examination. 


German course B1.2

In the  B1.2 German course you will  learn how to use the German language independently. In order to attain  language level B1 , you must take courses B1.1  and  B1.2  and be able to successfully complete the associated examination. 


German course B1 complete package

In the complete package German course B1  (consisting of the courses  B1.1 and B1.2 ) you will learn how to use the German language independently.  In order to attain language level B1 , you must take courses B1.1  and B1.2  and be able to successfully complete the associated examination. 


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