OET Doctors

Recorded Classes

Online, convenient and specifically designed to prepare you for your test.

Our course is delivered 100% online, meaning you are in complete control of your learning schedule and can complete the online exercises and assessments at your own pace. 

If you are a paid user and cannot make the Live Classes at the scheduled time, then you can access the Live Class Recordings from your student dashboard under Recorded Classes. 

Unlike Live Classes, you will not need to register for Recorded Classes. They are not counted from your total number of Live Classes thus you can watch as many as you wish. 

Online, convenient and specifically designed to help you get the score you need. 

I believe this is one of the best moments in my life. After failing 7 times and finally getting the score after your tutorial. I couldn't thank you enough for your efforts, dedication and believing in me. Ever since I joined E2, you guided me so well. Because of that I was able to get my desired score. Which I couldn't even think in my dreams.
OET Student
Review from E2World

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