Divine Associates Ltd.

OET Doctors

Regular Live Classes

The Divine Training Programs difference is our live classes with expert teachers.

The difference between studying with Divine Training Programs and other providers is our invaluable Live Classes. You will have LIVE access to an Expert Teacher who is trained to help you excel in your test. It’s like a traditional classroom, but better! 

Taken across multiple time zones, there will be a Live Class available to suit your schedule. Plus, if you can’t make it that’s no problem. Our Live Classes are recorded for your convenience. 

In the Live Class, the teacher will guide you through the relevant practice questions, helping you understand how best to answer them and giving you additional skill-building exercises. In all classes, you are able to participate and ask questions via the chatbot. 

Check out the calendar on your dashboard and click on a class to register.

I believe this is one of the best moments in my life. After failing 7 times and finally getting the score after your tutorial. I couldn't thank you enough for your efforts, dedication and believing in me. Ever since I joined E2, you guided me so well. Because of that I was able to get my desired score. Which I couldn't even think in my dreams.
OET Student
Review from E2World

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