OET Doctors
Occupational English Test
Online OET Doctors Test Preparation
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Assessment Structure
OET covers all four language skills with an emphasis on communication in a healthcare environment.
approx. 45 minutes
Same content for all healthcare professions.
Follow and understand a range of health-related spoken materials such as patient consultations and lectures.
60 minutes
Same content for all healthcare professions.
Read and understand different types of text on health-related subjects
45 minutes
Specific to profession, based on typical workplace situations.
The task is to write a letter, usually a referral letter. Sometimes, especially for some professions, a different type of letter is required: e.g. a letter of transfer or discharge, or a letter to advise or inform a patient, carer, or group.
approx. 20 minutes
Specific to profession, based on typical workplace situations.
In a private room you will take part in two role-plays. You take your professional role (as a healthcare professional) while the interlocutor plays a patient or client, or sometimes a relative or carer.
Doctors Sample Tests
Prepare and practice by downloading free sample tests. You can also buy preparation and practice material through the OET Shop.
* The sample material is from past OET tests, therefore, some references or procedures may be out of date.
Speaking Sample
Test 4 (without video)
Speaking Sample
Test 5 (withour video)
Speaking Sample
Warm-up video