Divine Associates Ltd.


The premier test of academic English communication

TOEFL iBT Scores and Admissions

The TOEFL iBT test gives you the data you need to make informed, confident decisions about the English skills of your applicants. Learn more about the role TOEFL iBT scores play in admissions decisions for more than 11,500 institutions worldwide.

Become a Score User

Gain access to over a million qualified applicants around the world.

Score Use

TOEFL iBT scores are used for admissions, program eligibility and more.    

Setting Score Requirements

Find tips on how to set your score requirements and learn about MyBest® scores.

Interpreting Scores

Learn how scores correlate to proficiency levels to ensure qualified candidates apply to your institution.

Score Reporting

Receive scores through the TOEFL® Showcase™ in the ETS® Data Manager, or via server feeds, or by mail.

Compare Scores

Make sure your TOEFL iBT score requirements are aligned so you don’t miss qualified applicants.

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